Sunday 3 April 2016

Sorceress of Zhaan is Written!

Sorceress of Zhaan written!

Well that was a long time in the coming. Sorry about the long wait folks, life tried to take me down but I'm back on top! And that's what counts.

The writing for Zhaan is finished and going into a final draft before getting handed over to the editor.

So in another week or so the book should be going into design and then get some art done up to go in there.

This one's going up on DriveThruRPG and Lulu for print copies, PDf's will be available on DriveThru and Gumroad.

Pdf's will be in color and print copies available in possibly colour and black and white, haven't decided yet. Those proof copies are a bit pricey and I might not be able to swing it anytime soon.
If you want to help out getting those copies up then drop in at DriveThruRPG or Gumroad and drop a little cash on a pdf. Every little bit helps.

Core Rulebook

With final writing finished on the Sorceress issue I can swing back around and start filling in the first draft of the Core rule book.

Issues 1-5 are still available at Gumroad separately, and the compiled file of issues 1-5 still available at DriveThru RPG.

I still have some print copies of the first 5 issues available here.

So enjoy the rest of the Weekend!
Hopefully I'll have more to report next week!


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