Tuesday 3 February 2015

Super Quick Update

Lair Update!

Had a great weekend when we were supposed to start my own Lair campaign. But blizzards, life, everything got in the way so we played boardgames instead, 7 Wonders, Space Fluxx, A mythosy dice game, and classic Robo Rally.  Fun was had by all even though we weren't playing Lair (gasp!).
Some copies are now on their way to Halifax, more are going up North just as soon as I get them shoved in an envelope (the free ones take a little longer for me to get around to shipping) and some have wended the way south across the border.

The Veteran issue is plugging along with a final table of contents in place (a bit of Sorcery just barely made it in). I've switched from Indesign to Scribus and so am spending a couple of weeks before laying out this issue setting up the templates, this will force me to actually get some more art done as it gets put to the side pretty quickly once I start banging out rules.

Why the switch? I got's my reasons! But seriously, I'm transitioning to a completely open source workflow, The hope is that once this thing really starts picking up steam it will be easier to share these files around with other people to take off a bit of the workload and not everybody is rocking the full Adobe Creative suite.

Speaking of art I've got to go get started on the Cover.

PS you can buy Lair online now, check out the link on the Menu.

Rock on Crazy Blood Reavers!

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