Monday 18 July 2016

Another Late Weekend Update! Progress on 2 fronts!

Progress continues!

Zhaan soldiers on with over half the soundtrack written and ready to go into studio mode.
Minis and set piece ready to go to camera and video!
Maps complete!
Cover still only a sketch!
Well that last one doesn't sound so great but other than that we're barreling along, once the soundtrack is written and the cover is actually started you should see the usual inundation of previews and material before the big release.

Injection Molder progress.
I also go to mess about with the molder. It's melting plastic just fine.
But I've found a wack of things out and it's going back into redesign to make holding the molds a lot easier.
Redesign and build the front of the body, add some springs, a redesign of the nozzle, some mold frames made up, some mold quick release clamps and should be good to go.

Hey it's a heck of a lot closer than it ever has been!

I'm got my molding material down to three options now, alot of learning about heat, expansion, shrinkage etc. Still coming down to cost, cost, cost. I'm hoping the Zhaan issue generates enough pocket money to cover molder expenses up to now as well as some more molding material...I can dream can't I?

You might have noticed the site went through the first few stages of a redesign, some stuff I've been wanting to do for awhile like organizing the tags so that you can browse all the articles on the right hand side.

Also changing up all the content and the organization of the site but you won't be able to see that just yet.

So let's all charge into Monday and hope the week doesn't beat us down before Friday!

Tear Monday a new one my Blood Reavers!


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